OACTA Litigation and Trial Skills Workshop Friday, August 18, 2023 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM S-E-A, Ltd. 7001 Buffalo Parkway | Columbus, Ohio 43229
Continuing Legal Education This workshop has been approved by the Supreme Court of Ohio Commission on Continuing Legal Education for 6.75 total CLE general hours. It is also approved the Kentucky Bar Association for 6.75 total CLE hours.
Workshop Registration Fees OACTA Member - $250 Non-Member - $450 Law Student - $25
Location S-E-A is located at 7001 Buffalo Parkway, Columbus, Ohio 43229.
View additional directions and information here.
Please contact the OACTA Office at [email protected] or by phone at (614) 228-4727.
Thank you to our Annual Sponsors!
